The Every Girl 30 Day Challenge - Bring it!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

I used to hate the month of January. Literally - it has been my least favorite month for as long as I can remember. It wasn't until I launched my photography business last year (in the month of January) that everything changed. I saw January for what it really was: a fresh start. I thought about all of the reasons I used to dislike it so much. It's cold, Christmas is officially over, spring is really far away, it's cold, I've gained 10 pounds thanks to moms holiday cooking, my skin is desert dry, and did I mention it's cold? Aside from every negative thing we associate January with, there are so many positive counterparts. As cliche as it truly is, January gives us that push we've been avoiding: GO TO THE GYM. As the year ends and the holidays are upon us, it is the easiest solution to stop exercising and just "bottoms up" at every opportunity. Let's make a point to treat our bodies as the temples they are - giving them what they need and sweating out what they don't. When you look good, you feel good. January presents an overwhelming sensation of a "rebirth" or a "fresh start". January is the cleanse of all months. The ultimate detox. Out with the old, in with the new. Out with the bad, in with the good. Out with the negative, in with the positive. The energy you radiate is exactly what comes back to you. By sending out healthy and positive messages, you're giving the world the best you have and thats exactly what comes back to you. 

The Every Girl 30 Day Challenge is the perfect fresh start. It's not irrational or inconvenient. It's simple and effective. It's never too late - I encourage everyone to try this challenge! My favorite part of this challenge is you can select the best method that fits your life and current needs. I chose the 30 days of hydration challenge - 8oz of water a day for 30 days. Cheers to hydration, weight loss, and a brighter smile 2015!

image via: @elizakennard
lettering via: @jennakutcher
challenge via: @theeverygirl_

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